We recently returned from field sites where the hemlock woolly adelgid predator
Laricobius nigrinus was released several years ago. We are contributing to a region-wide study of the impact this particular predator beetles is having on adelgid populations.
A heavily predated section of branch. |
We were elated to find hemlock branches where predators have ransacked HWA ovisacs. We retrieved our final branch samples this past week and they are now in our lab space at UNC-Asheville.
Branch samples from our NC site ready for the growth chamber. |
The branches are set in floral foam and placed in cups so they will stay as fresh as we can keep them for as long as possible. The growth chamber is set to mimic night and day light conditions and temperatures so the beetles and adelgids will continue developing. Every few days, we will be checking each branch for
Laricobius larvae that are dropping off after feeding.
Branch samples from NC in the growth chamber. |