Thursday, November 19, 2015

Walnut Twig Beetle Update

 We were back in Knoxville, TN a few weeks ago looking for walnut twig beetles and their galleries in our small bolt assays.  These were bolts treated with 3 different entomopathogenic fungi and 1 untreated control.  We carefully peeled the bark off the bolts in order to reveal beetle galleries, if any were present.

Robert Camp working on peeling a small bolt.

A small bolt peeled and ready for inspection.

Once the bark has been peeled, it is ready for inspection under a microscope.  If beetles are present, they are counted and their galleries are measured using a map ruler to quantify distance.

Michael and John counting beetles under the scope.

A beetle gallery and larvae.

Can you see the WTB larvae under the red mark?

A WTB larvae inside a gallery.