Exhibit A...
The first snow of winter came early in December and gave The Carolinas lots of unexpected snow and cold temperatures.
Local forecasters did not anticipate this winter storm that caused havoc on New Year's Eve in Asheville, NC.
As these storms and frigid temperatures continue to effect our day to day lives you can take some solace in the fact that hemlock woolly adelgid has it worse than you.
Snowflakes settle on HWA ovisacs during a blustery morning snow event in Asheville, NC.
Hemlock woolly adelgid does not tolerate temperatures below freezing very well. The colder our winter gets and the longer it lasts will help our native hemlock trees. That sure does warm me up...a little...this certainly is hopeful for our beloved hemlock trees.
A target hemlock tree we recently released in the Jefferson NF in VA.
So, be courageous, keep warm, and stay safe through this bitter start to winter.